
and the manta awareness still going on..

although our 'Komodo' times has passed, Ichsan and I still very much wanted people to know about mantas. so our dive organization decided making us as one of the keynote speaker in our second annual expo! and yes, it was nerve wracking! i mean come on, i never am confident enough to talk in front of my class, and now i have to do what?! but it went well, don't get me wrong. i was just sweating like crazy, and i talked really fast. after this? no more public speaking please ;p (well maybe not this time around)
by the way, i am very proud to be one of the two people that got an amazing opportunity as a MantaWatch intern. i mean come on, for one month i got to meet mantas (that means constantly diving) and i don't have to think about all my campus assignments? what could be better than that? haha! PS: if you guys want to know more about mantas and how you could contribute to conserve them, go here. come join us to be the manta protector :D

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