
dining in D.C.

D.C. kept surprising me. First of all, the weather. they told us that D.C would be hot and dry, not like the weather in Colorado. well it was, on the first day we went to The White House. but the next day.. cold as hell! i don't know what happen, but we ended up bundled with jackets and coats every time we have to go outside because the temperature dropped. besides the dreadful weather, D.C surprises me with a range of good restaurants!

it's an Indian food restaurant located in Adam's Morgam neighborhood. all the food are sooo good. i normally don't pick Indian food for lunch, but this place is an exception. if you're a small portion eater, the rice and the naan is quite big. it's better if you share it with a friend. for the price range, it's from 8-16 usd. not bad right?
Shophouse Kitchen
i love the idea of Southeast Asian food fusion! the spices are perfect for our tongue, and the portion is just right for my tummy! this one is located in Georgetown, and ranging from 6-8 usd.

Thomas Sweet
craving for something cold and sweet? this place is the best place to go! they have a range of ice cream flavors. i personally love the mint choco chip one. they're not green like the ones they sold in Indonesia, but just plain white. but when you taste it, the mint is so rich! you can pair your scoop of ice cream with cones or cups. located in Georgetown.

Bangkok Palace
i remember that day when me and several of my Indonesian friends went to visit The Embassy of Indonesia. we craved asian food so much, the embassy people picked this spot! the owner was so nice, and he speaks Indonesian quite fluently! it is located behind the embassy's office. the stir fry chicken was excellent, but the tom yum, not so much.

we had a dinner date with one of embassy employee. this was actually a new restaurant when we came there. the food is good, but a bit pricey. ranging from 10-30 usd. lamb chop was sooo yummy! Jacob, the owner, can speak Indonesian language! located only a few blocks from The Indonesian Embassy.

Las Canteras
another dinner date with embassy employees. but now it's getting bigger! this place is in Adam' s Morgan neighborhood, close to Jyoti. this was actually my first time trying a Peruvian cuisine. i made a mistake ordering a seafood platter because they were all deep fried and it makes me a bit nauseous afterwards.


Goa Rangko

Airnya jernih, tempatnya pas banget kalo mau main air tapi ga mau panas2an kena sinar matahari, dan jaraknya cukup deket dari Labuan Bajo! anywaaay.. gw ngomongin tentang Goa Rangko. kalo mau kesana dari Labuan Bajo, ga usah berangkat pagi2 banget soalnya cuman butuh 1 jam kesana. bisa sewa mobil apalagi kalo berangkatnya banyakan (tapi keep in mind disini mereka ngasih harga turis asing, harus nego kalo mau dikasih murah). trus make sure supirnya tau Goa Rangko dimana. kayak gw kemaren supirnya taunya bisa kesana cuman naik mobil padahal harus nyambung pake ojek laut. jadilah harganya dimahalin ;(
kalo cuman berdua atau bertiga gw sewa motor karena lebih murah dan convenient. tapi harus pake masker ya kesana soalnya jalanannya berdebu banget. kalo gatau jalan, tanya2 aja ke orang lokal ke arah Desa Rangko kemana. nyampe di Desa Rangko, cari ojek laut. biasanya mereka minta sekitar 250rb. kalo lebih mahal nawar aja soalnya emang cuman 10 menit darisana. goanya ga bakal keliatan dari pantai, so jangan bingung kalo sampe pantainya. kita harus jalan bentar dulu baru ketemu goanya. 
the inside is totally mysterious and beautiful! tapi airnya air asin lho. dan keep in mind kalo mau berenang-renang cantik, disana ga ada tempat ganti baju. saran gw sih pake aja baju renang dari labuan bajo. atau enggak kalo emang udah kepepet ganti di bagian gelap goanya (kayak gw ;p).
yuk jalan2 kesini! belom banyak yang tau lho tempat ini.


Explore Lombok: Pantai Tunak

bulan lalu gw berkesempatan untuk pergi lagi ke Lombok setelah beberapa tahun lalu sempet ke Gili bareng bokap. Tapi sekarang, gw pergi kesini untuk suatu project dan ditempatin di Selong, Lombok Timur. Suatu hari kita harus nyewa mobil buat jemput salah satu tim di bandara. Otak maunya jalan-jalan terus, jadilah kita searching di instagram tempat yang bagus buat foto-foto dan nemuuu... Bukit Tunak! Karena Bukit Tunak terletak di Lombok Tengah, dari tempat kita tinggal di Selong memakan waktu kira kira 3 jam. kalo dari bandara, tinggal belok kiri. kalo mau nanya arah ke orang tanya aja arah Pantai Kuta kemana soalnya ga banyak yang tau Bukit Tunak. sampe di gerbang biasanya suruh bayar 5rb per orang, tapi karena kita udah sampe terlalu sore jadilah gratis hehe.
jalanan masuk sampe ke pantainya masih dibilang jelek dan kayak masuk semak2 hutan belantara. kalo bisa sih pulangnya jangan abis maghrib soalnya takut ada binatang atau apapun itu (banyak juga masyarakat sekitar yg bilang begitu). kita aja karena udah kesorean jadinya ga sampe bukit, tapi cuman sampe pantai. foto foto bentar, langsung cabut!