
toy museum = candy store

look who i found! Mr. Handsome Jack Sparrow!
when i first came into this museum, i felt 12 again. there were so many toys! from the very cute ones like Lilo and Stitch, Barbie, Mr. Bean and Monster Inc. to the very scary ones such as Jigsaw, Frankenstein and there was even a cupboard full of Chucky!


spontaneity to an island

 okaay.. because this was a one minute decision, of course i didn't bring anything to prepare myself for staying-the-night-in-georgetown kind of thing. i didn't bring any clothes, undies, and the worst thing was that my phone battery is almost dead and of course i didn't bring my charger too. so i have to shut it down so the battery could last longer, well at least until i got back to my friend's apartment. 
so not knowing where i'm going 'cause i got there at 7 pm, i asked a taxi driver where is the cheapest motel and he gave me Hong Ping Hotel not far from the bus station. it's pretty good for 75rm per night. there's a bottle of water, soap, towel, hot water, fan, and AC. even though there are so many restaurants, but the motel owner said there are mostly not halal, so i took the easiest restaurant, indian. not the best taste, (but i have to admit i am loving the teh tarik ;p) but i'm glad my stomach was already full. my next concern would be deodorant. what would my life be without them? i would be a human repellent. so after i finished my dinner, i searched for a mini market and thank god i found a 7 eleven. my problem didn't stop there. since i'm fasting, i have to eat before 6 am. and unfortunately, even though i slept like a watch dog (awake and asleep every now and then), i still couldn't wake up at 4 am. i woke up at 6 or 6.30 am i couldn't remember. so i didn't fast that day.
my last problem would be the people there. my goal in Georgetown is to go to the Clan Jetties Floating Village. but as i asked so many people, they still didn't know where it was and as if they didn't understand what i was saying. like i was talking Germany to them. 
well, what's holiday without a little bit of problems here and there, right? it wouldn't make an interesting story when you get back ;) and what's holiday without a bit of spontaneity? and last but not least, what's a holiday without being clueless? let yourself get lost!


The Dark Knight Rises

it's been a while that i didn't post a movie review although i've been watch a couple of new movies this past couple of weeks. but i didn't want to review the other cause i think this movie is the best of the batch. i thought it will be like Spiderman movie which i thought really not that good although i really love looking Andrew Garfield smile ;p but i mean come on! Uncle Ben died twice? and her love between Gwen Stacy is really kinda easy. and i'm reviewing that movie instead of this. okay, back to this. i loooove.. Anne Hathaway in here. she's sexy, she's strong, she's everything a woman could ever be. and the story makes you didn't even want to blink! yep, that's how good this movie is. PS: Tom Hardy looks really buff in this movie. if it weren't for the synopsis that i read, i won't notice that it was him!

a night in Georgetown

can you believe on my 4 days in Malaysia i could find a way to get to Georgetown, Penang which took me about 5 hours to get there from Kuala Lumpur and it was a minute decision! now that's what i called spontaneous. all of that only because i was so curious to see the Clan Jetties Floating Village. whoo!
how to get there:
go to KL central ('cause there's where all the train begins), go to Masjid Jamek by Rapid KL train, then to Plaza Rakyat. find a bus that goes to Butterworth. i used Intercity bus which cost you 31rm. after you got to Butterworth, hop onto a ferry that goes to Georgetown which only cost you 1.20rm! cheap right? and to get back to the main island, you don't have to pay for the ferry again.


one minute decision

these are the view that accompany me all the way to Penang Island. beautiful isn't it?


must visit: Batu Caves

first stop on my trip to Malaysia was Batu Caves! actually when i first went to Malaysia with my family i've been there, but never got the chance to climb to the very top of the stairs. it has 272 stairs by the way. it was a piece of cake for me to get on top (in my fasting season too, not to brag ;p) although my thigh kind of sore from that. what i didn't know is that how hard it is to climb down from there. i felt really dizzy because of the height. and yes, i am scared of places that is way too high but i'm not scared of 'heights' if you know what i mean.
 how to get there:
from KL Central you have to go to Commuter Line counter (not the rapid KL ticket machine 'cause it's a different train) ask to go to Batu Caves which they will gave you a ticket. don't be confused to find the train terminal, because the train will be last headed to Batu Caves as you can see from the very first picture so you don't have to board anymore train. and just from the previous station you could see the big gold statue of the Buddha and voila! you're in Batu Caves. enjoy your way up to the caves :)


the perks of travelling alone

so recently i've travel to Malaysia alone. it all started when my mom told me that she has extra money from her airline voucher and asked me if i have a friend over in Malaysia. well of course i said i have and i would love to use that voucher even though i HAVE to go completely alone. but i guess it's not a one minute decision since my mom always change her mind. but after a few hours, i asked to her again, and she still permitted me to go. so immediately i contact my friend from high school who live there, back to Jatinangor to get my passport, asked my mom to book my flight, etc etc etc and two days later i'm off to Malaysia!
i wouldn't say it was my best trip so far, 'cause being a lone traveler has it's ups and downs. but because that was my first time ever traveling without companion. (exclude my travel to Germany and Netherlands 'cause i still escorted by friends there) there, i met many interesting people. well there's a taxi driver who seems really nice at the beginning but flirted as our conversation goes by, there's a handsome bus driver who gave me money 'cause he forgot to remind me my stop and give me really helpful advice (thank you ;p), and lastly, there's Joseph. a Californian man whom i met at KL Central. he is super super nice, but as times goes by (we text), he's a bit scary for me.
if you want to read more stories how my solo trip went in Malaysia, well you just have to keep opening my blog ;p cheerio!


cobaan puasa part 2

ga kalah indahnya kan sama curug hawu? tapi kalo masalah jauhya, beuh! jangan tanya! pas sampe sini, kalo kaki gw bisa ngomong, pasti dia minta dicopot dari badan gw. godaan berdatangan udh kayak gerimis jatoh. saking hausnya, gw sampe ga bisa berenti ngebasuh muka gw pake air curug dengdeng ini. seger banget! sayangnya gw ga bisa ikutan berenang sama temen2 gw. kayaknya seger banget tuh. tapi apa daya, gw ga bawa apa2 untuk ganti setelahnya. tapi karena gw masih tetep haus, jadilah gw ambil tuh air curug dan dimasukin ke botol aqua kosong.
setelah temen2 gw seger lagi, kita pergi lagi dan rasa pengen pingsan pun melanda lagi! bahkan bertambah karena kerjaan kita nanjaaaaak mulu. kebanyakan istirahat sepertinya daripada jalannya hehe, sesampainya di tempat naro plang terakhir, gw dan temen2 cewek pada tepar dan ga bisa ngomong apa2. tapi terima kasih kepada sansan yang melakukan joget 'pemanggil semangat' (which is super hilarious), kita pun bisa nyengir lagi dan emang dasar orang narsis, walopun capek tapi sesi foto kudu tetep ada.
yak! coba anda bedakan kedua foto diatas. foto pertama adalah capek tahap pertama dan muka pada sepet kecuali riant tentunya yg masih semangat '45 karena kita tau perjuangan belum berakhir sedangkan foto yang kedua walopun capek tapi mukanya udh lega karena kita tinggal menunggu kol bak biru tercinta datang membawa kita ke rumah. tapi asli, pas gw ngeliat tuh mobil rasanya kayak ngeliat surga. hati gw seneng banget! haha! dan walopun godaan banyak banget dan beberapa kali terlintas di otak gw pengen buka dan menenggak air minum, tapi alhamdulillah iman gw lebih kuat (dan thanks to alin yang sudah menyemangati gw buat ga batal) gw ga batal! yuhuuu! short to say, i am proud of myself :)


cobaan puasa

yak. semua berawal dari keinginan gw untuk ngikut masang plang objek wisata dan penunjuk jalan yg udh kita buat kemaren2nya. awalnya gw mikir 'yaa.. kuat lah ya gw puasa2 jalan2 ke gunung. naik mobil ini'. tolong digarisbawahi yaa.. JALAN2. bukan JALAN KAKI. tapi takdir berkata lain. pas tengah2 perjalanan menuju goa lalai, oli mobilnya bocor terkena batu yg semena2 ditaro ditengah2 jalan. berbagai hal udh kita coba biar tuh oli mampet dan kita bisa melanjutkan perjalanan dengan damai (khususnya utk kaki dan dahaga kita). sampe 3 softex dan berlembar2 daun dan tisu terbuang percuma, tetep aja masalah oli tak terbantu. sampe akhirnya kita memutuskan dua org nunggu mobil, yg lain JALAN KAKI buat masang plang2 yg udh dibawa. foto diatas pas sampe goa lalai. bagus bukan? hati masih riang, dahaga pun masih tak terfikirkan.
sekitar satu setengah jam kemudian kita sampai di curug hawu. indah bukan? seindah air yang dibasuh ke muka dan tangan gw. seger banget! dan rasa capek krn perjalanan kesini pun langsung ilang. dan kita memutuskan utk solat zhuhur dulu. lo pada pasti mikir, ngapain lo solat disini? kan bisa di jamak pas udh sampe rumah. yaa.. krn gw terinspirasi film Vertical Limit yg solat ditengah2 gunung, jadi gw pikir why not? kapan lagi coba bisa solat di alam bebas kayak gini? dan pak otong dan sansan pun ikutan. alhamdulillah :)
dan ditengah2 perjalanan menuju curug hawu, kita menemukan pemandangan hamparan gunung ini. indah sekaliiii!
PS: stay tuned kalo mo baca cerita selanjutnya. penderitaaan belom selesai ;p

skype indonesia-perancis

look who i chat with last night!