

have you read today?

it's no secret anymore that technology right now sky rocketed in a minute. i mean, have you ever think that you would ever played in an iPad? or maybe you text someone with only your bare finger and only at a single touch? well i don't. when i was still a little girl, i thought Star Wars is the best thing and the coolest thing in the world because of all the props. but maybe someday and i don't know when would it be, the saber sword will exist (well not the toy one though). 
but i'm getting ahead of myself. okay, my point is that technology makes us lazy even though it blow my mind and makes our life a lot easier. don't believe me? are you going to deny it? don't. just think about it. with the internet roam in our world, we make our assignments based on 'copy paste' methods. whereas in the old days, they will read lots and lots of books to answer a single question. but by reading all those books, the information will get to their brain rather than to 'copy paste'. the information won't get to us because we wouldn't even bother to read it. just think the job were done, and voila! good grades in your hand.
it's really rare for me to find a person that would actually read a book. not a magazine or a comic, but a book. it will always appear in my mind that why wouldn't people read a book? book could bring you to different places, makes you a different peoples by following the main characters in the book, makes you have adventures that you probably won't get in reality. i mean why would anyone says no to escaping the reality for a couple of pages in a book? that's just plain ridiculous. ;)


Mirror Mirror

okaay.. so yes Lily Collins is super super pretty in this movie, and yes that Julia Roberts is brilliant being a villain, but there's nothing that really interesting about this movie at all! the effect is almost terrible, i think they try to make this movie as funny as possible but fail to do so, and the worst of all the costume! dear god! i just want to burn them and make a fire camp! i'm so sorry. but you better not watch this movie. although you will enjoy the seven little dwarfs. they're so cute and i think they're the only reason why i watched this movie 'til the end. ah yes! i almost forgot. what the hell did the director think to put the scene where Lily have to dance and sing that awful Indian song? (not that i didn't like Indian music). it was such a disaster!


first REAL attemp

yep! in these pictures are me. (believe me that it's not another person just cause you couldn't see my face ;p) this s my first attempt to do a real Line Intersept Transect (LIT). LIT is one of a method to collect coral reefs percentage. and i think i did pretty well. my bouyancy (again) is getting better. even though i fell into a blank for a second hehe (the lifeforms i mean)

and believe me, it won't be my last time diving in Pulau Seribu :)


street style crush: Hanne Gaby Odiele

she's not afraid to play with colors, textures and prints. that why i will never get bored with her off duty styles. plus, she's a great model too. i looooove her jaw lines!


21 Jump Street

it was really nice to see Jonah Hill got skinnier. and it was nicer to see Channing Tatum to play in a comedy movie! it's like the moon and the sun after I saw his acting in The Vow. it's a prove that he is a multi talented actor. he could dance, he could be romantic, he could be tough, and now apparently, he could be a comedian also! (applause)
need to freshen up your brain and to make your frown upside down? this movie is the right choice! Channing Tatum, high school, and Johnny Depp as a cameo!


what's wrong with me?

gw selalu berkata kepada diri gw sendiri kalo gw harus bersyukur karena gw mempunyai keluarga yang berpenghasilan cukup, yang bisa mendanai gw ke Jerman tahun lalu dan sekarang pun alhamdulillah bisa mendanai Dira ke Perancis. tapi entah kenapa (mungkin obsesi berlebihan gw), keranjingan gw akan inginnya dapat merasakan keterima international events lagi tidak terbendung. gw tetep keukeuh nyari dan selalu berdoa kepada Allah SWT agar keterima dan gw bisa menginjakan kaki sekali lagi di negeri orang (negara manapun itu, gw sikat). tapi ternyata takdir berkata lain. gw selalu ga keterima. hard work gw untuk mikirin essay yang sempurna, bela-belain ke DU cuman untuk interview, ngejar-ngejar dosen, sepertinya tidak pernah membuahkan hasil.
well mungkin kayaknya gw bakal kayak dulu lagi, perjuangan-perjuangan gw selama ini untuk nyari event keluar negeri akan berakhir di satu event aja. walaupun gw tipe orang yg never give up, tapi makin lama gw makin lelah untuk nyoba dan harapan dan semangat gw makin lama makin pupus (cah bahasa gwww..) dan mungkin Allah belum ngasih kesempatan ke gw karena tahun ini giliran Dira yang merasakan keluar negeri. dan unek-unek gw muncul lagi. kenapa event yang bener2 gratis pun gw ga dikasih kesempatan? apakah essay gw kurang bermutu? apakah gw hanya dapet satu kesempatan aja buat keluar negeri? i mean come on! gw ngerti Allah pasti punya rencana bagi kita semua.
jadi mungkin kalian akan rada bingung, sebenernya mau gw apa. apakah gw harus menerima kenyataan bahwa kali ini gw yang harus ngalah dan ga dapet kesempatan atau gw harus berusaha tanpa memikirkan bahwa kalo gw keterima gw ga akan mungkin dapat bantuan dana dari ortu?
gw bisa jawab sendiri. bahwa tulisan ini hanyalah sekedar curhatan belaka gw. gw ga perlu jawaban. gw hanya mengeluarkan unek2 yang sudah lama tidak dikeluarkan dan amarah gw karena ga pernah dapet2 jawaban positif dari segala event yang gw ajukan. hhh..

sometimes life IS not fair and life IS hard
like my new decoration? ;)