the beach is sooo.. beautiful! i mean it literally made me shriek like i never seen a beach before. haha! i even found some 'little friends' welcoming me to the beach. :D
The Hangover 2
CRAZY FELLOWS! haha! they really know how to have fun without even remembering what happened so the next day when you got a really bad hangover you could have a really amazing adventure to seek your missing friend. haha! if you like to drink much like them or you have a friend like Alan, you should try some adventure like them. worth the try right? but not for me since i'm a moslem. ;p
yep! we're still tight!
yes! after 2 years and more, we still going strong! although maybe there's a time when we separated and fighting here and there, but we still remain best buddy through thick and thin. yep, they always colored my day. hope that we'll be like this until the day of our graduation. and better yet, until we find our separate way, having family and everybody is scatter around the world. amen to that! :D
out of sight
pasti cuma beberapa dari lo doang yang tau Pulau Biawak. kalo gw bilang gw kesana, pasti orang2 pada bilang : "maksud lo Pulau Komodo?". naah.. jadi adeknya si komodo ngambek gara2 yang disorot si komodo terus dan dia bikin pulau sendiri, yaitu Pulau Biawak. well emang sih disini juga dia ga terkenal juga, tapi seenggaknya dia punya pulau sendiri.
pulau ini emang belum terjamah banget, cuman ada empat rumah, yang lain hutan dan satu keluarga yang tinggal disana. listrik masih pake jenset yg nyala dari jam 6 sampe jam 12 malem doang. emang sih kayaknya kedengerannya nightmare dan ga seru banget liburan disana. tapi bukan itu yang gw rasain pas udah 3 hari liburan disana tahun lalu. seru bangeet! ya mandi di sumur (mandinya harus pake baju renang dan harus nyanyi2 biar ketauan ada yg mandi disitu), ya makan tiap hari pake daun pisang alias ngeliwet, ya kalo masak nasi pasti ada gosongnya dikit. yang paling seru sih pas gw sama temen2 ngelilingin pulau itu. bukan lewat darat, tapi lewat laut! haha! emang kedengerannya konyol, tapi emang dasar anak kelautan ga bisa jauh2 dari laut. mo liat betapa serunya kita ngelilingin pulau biawak sampe akhirnya pada berenang dan pasrah hanyut ngikutin arus? buka facebook gw. hehe,
first encounter
so maybe some of you may know, that my dream is becoming a marine mammalogist (is it correct?) or the other word probably cetacean (whales and dolphins) scientist. and.. the pictures above is when i first met the lovingly and cute sea creatures. too bad i couldn't see the whales, but i will meet them someday. kinda hope it when i took my research. hehe, fingers cross! :D
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