
numpang promosi ;p

first of all, ini desain gw (haha ga penting sebenernya)
second of all, kalo lo mahasiswa ato bapak ato ibu ato nenek2 ato bocah kelewat pinter, apalagi berminat ato hobi jurnalistik dan fotografi, wajib banget dateng kesini. pasti banyak orang nanya "kan gw ga punya kamera apalagi kamera underwater". ga perlu dipikirin... toh kalo udah ada niat apapun pasti bisa, dimulai dengan dateng di seminar ini. hehe, acaranya ga formal kok. pembicaranya aja orangnya selow. pasti dapet banyak deh ilmu dari dia soalnya S2nya aja fotografi. sadis. kapan lagi coba ada seminar kayak gini yang lo bisa nanya2 ke seorang expert jurnalistik dan fotografi bawah laut? jarang kaaan..
soo.. langsung aja ya daftar ke contact person diatas ato bisa langsung daftar ke gedung PPBS lantai 1 (biasanya disebut gedung biru) UNPAD, Jatinangor.


127 Hours

it is really a nightmare but at the same time it is sooo.. inspiring. James Franco really nailed at being miserable but at the same time a funny man although half of his arms were stuck in a big rock. he doesn't even shed a tear! i'm surprised how he is so together (i'm actually talking about the actual climber, not James). and thank god at the end of the movies he is alive although he cut his arm. speaking about that, that's why i said this is a nightmare movie to see. because we actually had to see him cut his own arm with tiny knives! great movie to watch for more than once, but not the arm-cutting scene. it was horrible!

backstage euphoria

ga seru kan kalo ngeliat pas udah jadinya aja? soo.. i give you... the "BACKSTAGE EUPHORIA"! lihatlah betapa ribetnya persiapan sebelum tampil.


jumping, i like! :D

Black Swan

this movie really deserve all the award that been given. when you watched it, they swoon your emotions. it'll just mixed up! thumbs up for Natalie Portman. she really is genius and made me feel her pain, her happiness, her frustration, and everything she does in this movie.
Nina (Portman) in this movie has a really disturbing thought. at first i thought she's sweet and warm and fuzzy, but when she started to have this weird and wild vision, she really is disturbed. maybe because in the outerwear of what she is, she can't put all of her frustration so she begin to have those visions. but in the end, those visions actually worked for her, turned her to an amazing ballerina in her Swan Lake act. although it killed her too (literally!)


at laaast..

at laaast.. my live long quest since high school is now officially come true. there we are, with me as the captain (and the syekh), and them as the traditional dancers. they're far from perfect, but i am really proud of them i can't tell you in words. they came a loong.. way. they actually train form scratch and we did it in a month! FYI, we design and made the costumes ourselves. :D


secercah cahaya dan harapan

as you all know, gw udah agak lama ga ngepost disini. well.. bukannya gw mo sombong atau apapun, tapi ALHAMDULILLAH BANGET.... beberapa minggu yang lalu gw keterima international student festival di Ilmenau, German. gilaaaaaaaaa! pertama kali gw liat email dari mereka bener2 ga percaya. gw literally guling2 sambil sesungukan kayak bocah kagak dibeliin permen sama emaknya. (well, pertama gw sujud syukur dulu)

akhirnya perjuangan gw selama satu tahun nyari2 student festival maupun beasiswa keluar negeri kebayar juga. satu tahun di depan laptop sampe mata kayak ga tidur 2 hari, bolak balik ke kampus gara2 surat rekomendasi kagak bener2, ngejar2 dosen yang lagi nyidang, nunggu hampir 3 jam buat dosen yang lagi rapat hanya untuk mendapatkan sebuah tanda tangan, berlembar2 kertas print yang bikin nambah global warming (personal sorry for me to the earth ;)) akhirnyaaaa.. gw bisa mencicipi kejayaan. sadiis..

well.. yang mo gw garis bawahin adalaah.. jangan pernah menyerah! YEAH! walopun kayaknya harus berkali2 lo berusaha dan sesekali pasti pengen nyerah (gw juga pernah stres ditolak terus), jangan pernah coy! karena pas waktu itu dateng, semua perjuangan yang melelahkan itupun rasanya ilang begitu aja dan ga kerasa. yang lo rasain cuman kejayaan, keinginan untuk teriak2, guling2 dan garuk2 aspal. ooh.. itu terlalu berlebihan. tapi remember! walopun kejayaan itu udah dateng, PLEASE still be down to earth. jangan tiba2 lo besar kepala dan ngerasa lebih hebat dari temen2 lo semua. at some point, tanpa bantuan mereka lo ga bisa dapet kejayaan tersebut. 

Allah SWT emang adil.  :D